Typing Characters with Diacritical Marks Made Easy

Easy Input of Diacritcs

Typing characters with diacritical marks the easy way.
I designed a keyboard layout for exactly this purpose.
This is for anyone who needs or wants to write transliteration of Devanāgarī (for Sanskrit) and other Indic scripts reguarly. (Or likes to use diacritics even in online communication)


You will need a computer running Microsoft Windows with a keyboard of any English language flavour.
If you like to give it it try, the download link is below.
The package is rolled into a so-called ZIP-Archive (.zip) After downloading, right-click and choose “Extract.”


You will find:

1) The installer
2) A Keystroke-Combinations Look-Up Table (which is only needed in the beginning because the keystrokes are extremely easy to memorize)
3) My installation guide and some technical notes in plain English 


Here then is the Download-Link to the package: Diacritics_KB_EN.zip.

Quote for December 2024

dharmaḥ projjhita-kaitavo ’tra paramo nirmatsarāṇāṁ satāṁ

vedyaṁ vāstavam atra vastu śivadaṁ tāpa-trayonmūlanam

śrīmad-bhāgavate mahā-muni-kṛte kiṁ vā parair īśvaraḥ

sadyo hṛdy avarudhyate 'tra kṛtibhiḥ śuśrūṣubhis tat-kṣaṇāt


Completely rejecting all religious activities which are materially motivated, this Bhāgavata Purāṇa propounds the highest truth, which is understandable by those devotees who are fully pure in heart. The highest truth is reality distinguished from illusion for the welfare of all. Such truth uproots the threefold miseries. This beautiful Bhāgavatam, compiled by the great sage Vyāsadeva [in his maturity], is sufficient in itself for God realization. What is the need of any other scripture? As soon as one attentively and submissively hears the message of Bhāgavatam, by this culture of knowledge the Supreme Lord is established within his heart.

(Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam 1.1.2)